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Curated in collaboration with Park Punks, Environmental Ties examines the relationship between built and natural environments, highlighting the ways humans have created community, place, and home. 

Alana Crawley, Amanda Garrison, Amelia Shipman, Angelica Juarez, Anna Sparks, Anna Wetzel Artz, Anne Livingston, Anubhuti Sood, Aybi Taner, Brandi Marlett, Brittany Otto, Christina McLachlan, Claire Peckham, Connie Resch, Dan Bernunzio, Elizabeth Butto, Ellis Bray, Emmerson Wheeler, Fen Hsu, Gabe Rubanowitz, Garima Tripathi, Irina Kladova, Jennifer Fernandez, John Veličković, Jordan Quimby, Joseph Bantum, Julianna Bernado, Konstantin Ilin, Laura Wright, Lev Elkin, Lisa Jordan, Lola Reinhardt, Lydia Jewel Gerard, Macs Herdrich, Maggie Tomberlin, Museful Purpose, Naomi Benson, Neil Berkowitz, Nicole Minassian, Patricia Moss, Sharon Gottula, Sophia Trinh, Steve Jensen, Teresa Stern, Tesla Kawakami, Yuliya Helgesen-Thompson

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Sand Point Arts and Cultural Exchange acknowledge we are on the stolen and unceded ancestral land of the Duwamish, Suquamish, and Stillaguamish Tribes. We make this acknowledgment to remind ourselves that our work must strive to remedy this unjust colonization through our beliefs and actions.

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