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Artists listed by studio number

Floor 1

#101, 108 - Sandra Power

#102 - Denise Shaffer

#102 - Heleyna Holmes

#103 - Patricia Hagen

#106, 107, 116 - Amalia Couto

#112 - Tina Negri

#115 - Tamara Lee

#115 - Makenna K. Littell

#117 - James Pridgeon

Floor 2

#201 - Elizabeth Bruno

#203 - Susan Freeman

#204 - Rhonda Pence

#205 - Ann-Marie Stillion

#206 - Dean Glawe

#207 - Fong Baatz

#209 - Anne Marie McNamara

#210 - D. Lisa West

#210 - Ginger Nordberg

#213 - Patty Haller

#215 - Roxanne Everett

#217 - Ellen Dodson

#219 - Karen Henning

#220, 220A - Sandy Bricel Miller

Floor 3

#301 - Margaret Bovingdon

#302 - Joe Max Emminger

#303 - Kathleen Coyle

#304 - Bev Byrnes

#305 - Jason Starkie

#306 - Lisa Bloch

#307 - Karey Kessler

#308, 310 - Magnuson Park Gallery

#312 - Ellen Rutledge

#314 - Dianne Dickeman

Sand Point Arts and Cultural Exchange acknowledge we are on the stolen and unceded ancestral land of the Duwamish, Suquamish, and Stillaguamish Tribes. We make this acknowledgment to remind ourselves that our work must strive to remedy this unjust colonization through our beliefs and actions.

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